Need advice on new kitten and 2 year old cat. Very confused, not sure what I should do about the fighting!! To jump in and stop the fighting or not??
Recently got a new kitten. I knew my current rescue would take some adjusting. My first born rescue cat will be 2 in January, her name is Norma. She was born in a litter of only 2 (that I know of) her sister was mauled by a dog and I believe she is traumatized from that. She's been a skiddish cat since we got her at 4 weeks old.
Now, we recently just rescued an 11 week old kitten. We named her Lucille. We knew that it would take some adjusting. We kept them separate for the first night, and for the rest of the first week we kept them separate when we weren't home or sleeping. We let Norma (our first born) have the apartment while Lucille had a spare room.
Norma is a defensive cat, not offensive. She will hiss and growl at Lucille, and swat a few times, but it's very clear that she does not want to hurt or hunt Lucille. Now, Lucille jumps on Norma any chance she gets. Today has been the worst. Whenever Lucille (the kitten) is not taking a nap, a shit, or eating, she is basically hunting Norma. She hides behind walls and jumps out, jumps right on top of Norma and sinks her claws in. Norma hisses, growls, swats, the kitten keeps going at her, Norma runs away to a high place to avoid the kitten.
Here's my question. First, should I intervene when they are fighting? They make insane wild noises, it only lasts a few seconds, sounds way scarier than it is, and Norma runs away so the fighting stops. But then it starts up again almost immediately. Should I be breaking them up? Letting them figure it out? Should I try separating them again? I'm not really sure what to do. They haven't seemed to have hurt each other, but it definitely does not sound like fun playing.
Ah, please help. Any advice is welcome!!
Submitted October 12, 2018 at 07:23PM by recoveringdropout
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