My kitten is breathing shallow and quickly but acting normal. Advice? I already posted to 2 different vet subs and am getting no answers. I'm anxious and scared but broke as fuck and really frustrated.
Like the title says, my kitten (6 months old, 5 lbs. short hair mix, not a flat faced breed) is breathing strangely. Her lungs sound clear (I listened with my medical grade stethoscope, several different times) and there's no audible struggle when she breathes, but she's taking very shallow and quick breaths. The internet said she should be breathing 30 breaths per minute- my girl is breathing 68-82 breaths per minute that I've measured, while resting. She's not panting, coughing, not hunched over to breathe, she's eating and drinking, playing like normal, etc. She's usually much more docile and calm compared to my other kitten so it's hard to say if she's lethargic- I don't think she is though- she's perky and interested in everything, follows me from room to room like normal, purring...all the things. I don't know what to make of it. Google is all over the place and nothing I've read matches her symptoms.
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 04:59PM by imrickjamezbitch
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