Attack imminent
Submitted January 11, 2018 at 12:09AM by Geemge0
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/7pmf7p/attack_imminent/?utm_source=ifttt
My beautiful little kitten is 6-7 months old and I noticed yesterday she had a LARGE bump near her hip. Pressing it revealed that it was soft so we concluded it was most likely an infection possibly caused by an incident with our other cat. I mean it was swollen to golf ball size including the fur. This morning it must have popped, probably from her biting at it, and now she has an open wound, like a hole. It's not really my cat, my little sister brought her home when she was a kitten and my mom doesn't have money to take her to a vet. I don't have the money for that either so my hands are tied but I want to give her the best help possible. We cleaned it with some peroxide and put a pet safe bacterial cream on it the best we could this morning. I'm into essential oils for home remedies but I've read their especially toxic to cats so I shouldn't try any of those. Please help me help her! Is there anything else I can do? Trying to find a cone for her so she doesn't continue to lick it.