The exact moment my cat became possessed
Submitted September 27, 2018 at 10:28PM by ravens_revenge
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9jjx7g/the_exact_moment_my_cat_became_possessed/?utm_source=ifttt
Hello! My gf and I just moved in together. Her cat eats everything in site and is on a strict schedule. My cat is a free feeder because he will only eat like 10 pebbles at a time and comes and goes as he pleases. I'm trying to put mine on a schedule but like I said, he doesn't eat much at one time. If I don't watch him while he eats my gf's cat will come eat his food. Any advice on what to do would be appreciated! We want to take a vacation without them but I'm worried my guy will starve if no one is here at least twice a day to monitor him while he eats.
So im getting a second cat very soon, shes a small but super chubby long haired black cat. Her name is currently Stormy, however my dad thinks it's too similar to our first cats name (He's a brown tabby named Rocky) So, anyone got name suggestions for a pretty, loud, chubby, female black cat?
My girlfriend and I are in the process of moving together and as she owns a house already and I do not I've slowly been edging my way in with my stuff. Today, my cat came with me so he doesn't have to be left home alone.
I've read the tips and tricks advised through google searches, but I have a three year old female cat, she has a one and a half year old male.
I brought mine over in her cat carrier and when faced with one another (which was expected) there was a lot of howling and hissing. So she has an office and a spare bedroom so the cats now have their own rooms and are going to have their turns being let out around the home.
So far they've met through the walls of the cat carrier and I've given both of them treats from each side of the door so they ate while smelling one another. They both become super aware of one another when one hear's the other meowing to get out of their respective bedrooms.
So what are your first hand experiences with making this assimilation as stress free as possible?
Soooooooo the wife and kids took our dog to the vet on a Thursday. She says that our vet with a few others had rescued a bunch (but not all) of kittens from a kill shelter. These kittens had come from numerous locations. Now there were only two left, one barn kitten and one from a hoarder. The kids watched them in there cage, dogs appointment is over they go home. Come Monday while I'm at work my wife texted me and asked if I want two cats. Me: What cats? Wife: The cats from the vet. Me: they aren't there anymore. Wife: yeah they are. Me thinking to myself: she really wants cats? Of course she does or she wouldn't have texted me about them. An hour later she texts: nevermind we have too much going on. I'm thinking, WHAT?!? She wouldn't have brought this up if she didn't want them. I call the vet, indeed they are still there. Aight I bounce work early. Roll to the vet on the other side of town. I walk in there are two kittens, one four months (light grey with black stripes), one three months (all black with the tiniest white start on his chest). They were the last two so the Vet put them together, they had been together for a while. So if course I grabbed them both, the four month old (Dash) was 6 pounds and the three month old (Ninja) was 4 pounds. Now fast forward a couple of months, Dash is growing like a weed and Ninja not at all. I mean the same size, and a little boney. We have talked to the vet, ran a bunch of tests, everything checks out fine. Vet says he is just going to be small. He is eating fine, not as active as Dash but still really active. I mean I guess everything is fine, just never had a cat this small. He is a little lover, always liked to be around you, when you sit he'll jump up and curl up in your lap. Little guy is a good jumper as well. Don't know what else to say he is my 4.5-5 pond cat, and he is awesome. The other cat Dash, he is about 7 pounds and lives up to his name, he is an attack cat. He and our dog Fiona are constantly playing. So I was just wondering who else has these small cats? How common are they? Edit for typos
One of our cats has to lose a kilo as advised by our vet. We've been feeding him half pouches only and limited biscuits for about a month but he's still only lost half a kilo. Are there any other good tips for helping a cat lose weight?
I have two cats one who has lived in my parents house for over 10 years and is about 17 (R) and a cat who I adopted to an apartment in Feb. (O). O and I moved into my parents house in May. The two cats never seemed to mind each other, not best friends but never fighting. Recently, R, started joining me in bed and hanging out in my room daily. O has suddenly become aggressive and fights with R. My cat, O, didn't spend much time in my room to begin with anyways. Does anyone have any advice on how to calm O down and get peace?