Saturday, November 17, 2018

#cat - #What type of breed does this cat look like (he meows alot too)

What type of breed does this cat look like (he meows alot too)

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 10:42PM by theepiccarday808
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#cat - #My baby is 13... where does the time go?!?!

My baby is 13... where does the time go?!?!

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 08:00PM by Missa-Dawn
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#cat - #My cat.

My cat.

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 07:54PM by MudSharkCharlie
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#cat - #(つ ♥灬 ͜ʖ 灬♥)つ

(つ ♥灬 ͜ʖ 灬♥)つ

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 07:02PM by DiamondShadows9
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#cat - #Tiger Pickle says “ AWOOOO. I iz wolf now!”

Tiger Pickle says " AWOOOO. I iz wolf now!"

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 07:38PM by ladyintexax
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#cat - #Saved a stray cat, if anyone knows what breed it is please let me know

Saved a stray cat, if anyone knows what breed it is please let me know

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 05:14PM by TheBiggestMeat75
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#cat - #Doug


Submitted November 17, 2018 at 11:59AM by ChakkyP
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#cat - #Meet my kitten Dahlia... she’s having an existential crisis

Meet my kitten Dahlia... she's having an existential crisis

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 12:13PM by mormontea
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#cat - #School Cat Smartie is a very cute cat.

School Cat Smartie is a very cute cat.

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 09:25AM by Nano_P_Bott
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#cat - #watchulookinat


Submitted November 17, 2018 at 08:37AM by LilLixoHumano
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#cat - #Kitten may have seperation anxiety

Kitten may have seperation anxiety

Hello! My roommate and I took in two sibling kittens when they were two months old. One is mine, the other is hers, and these kittens are now five-almost-six-months-old. One thing I noticed after having them live with us is that they absolutely love each other, are the sweetest kitties, and its the cutest thing ever! But when ever my cat was not in the same room as my roommates cat, my roommates cat would IMMEDIATELY start looking for her. That immediate searching then formed into the loudest, painful meows, so around two and a half months my roommates cat would come to my door and meow until I let my kitty out. And even if they were both together, he would still come to my door and meow until I let him in. And after I let him in he would meow until I acknowledged him. This occurs after I have played and fed them both to make them sleepy.

As he has gotten older, the louder the meows have become, and the worse it sounds. He sounds like he is crying and suffering, and then will start knocking over things in the living room and scratching things to get attention. He absolutely cannot do anything without my kitten. He cannot eat without her, pee or poop without her, sleep without her, or even do regular shenanigans without her. Sometimes I want to spend time alone with just my cat, and those moments are few and far in between, as if you are not paying attention to him or leave him alone, he will meow and meow and meow and start knocking stuff over/clawing things until you pay attention to him. The longest that he has meowed non-stop was two hours.

I really do not know what to do, as I do not want to give in to his meows but it's honestly concerning me even though he is not my cat. My roommate doesn't seem to mind, and gives into him on the first meows. My roommate and I will not be living together soon, so it makes me nervous on how he will be once we separate. My kitten doesn't look nor meow for him when she is by herself, or realize that he is behind the closed door playing with my roommate. Is there anything I can do to calm this cat, or will he just be like this? Because I feel like he will just be like this until with move out, and then turn into a sad, depressed kitty.

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 07:37AM by lechugagage
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#cat - #Hanukkah is coming! Festive kitty

Hanukkah is coming! Festive kitty

Submitted November 17, 2018 at 12:58AM by challah-get-dollah
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