Look at this gorgeous 18yo(f)
Submitted January 29, 2018 at 06:30PM by HanSoloz
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/7txe6e/look_at_this_gorgeous_18yof/?utm_source=ifttt
I recently took in a stray cat that's been wandering around for a few weeks, it was just too cute! It's clearly already trained but I don't know how often I should feed her/what to feed her. She's a tabby, maybe around 4-7 years old. I'm currently feeding her iams perfect portions and healthy gourmet wet food twice a day. She doesn't seem to be drinking water but she loves cat treats.
Is dry or wet food better for cats? How often should I feed my cat a day? ( each can is 3oz ) ( each snack is 1.5 cal )
My cats nails are way too long and my siblings are getting mad because she loves to sit on our lap. They also have a lot of dirt in them, if I have the proper tool, should I cut them? Is that unhealthy for a cat?