Too hot to care
Submitted June 15, 2018 at 10:56PM by Obietron
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/8rh7ho/too_hot_to_care/?utm_source=ifttt
My darling cat Lia is 7 years old and has always been very affectionate. Her adopted brother Icky is 2 and is also a total love bug. The two of them get along great.
Lately, however, Lia has been driving my partner and I insane demanding near constant attention. She needs to be either sitting on us or be pet by us, or else she starts scratching at furniture, knocking things down, yowling, etc. We love her, but we can't lavish affection on her 24/7.
Other than that, no signs of illness. Urination, appetite, etc. are all normal. She does have some allergic asthma that always sets on this time of year. I am 8 weeks pregnant, so maybe she's picking up on that??
If you have any tips for dealing with a needy/clingy cat, please help! Tia.
A year ago on June 11th I lost my beautiful and loyal Tristan. He was 2.5 years old. He woke me up with meowing and crying and I knew I was going to lose him. It was a Sunday morning so I had to take him to an emergency vet. I was told he had renal failure and he needed a $5,000 surgery but it was not guaranteed to work. I made the very difficult decision to put him down. This was the first time in my life where I finally knew what heart ache really meant. I hope he knows how much I loved him & how much I miss him.
I still feel like I betrayed him because I got another kitten a few days after I put him down. My family and friends urged me to adopt another kitten because they knew how much cats help with my depression. I went to the humane society although I was very ambivalent. There were no kittens I felt drawn to until I saw Sabbath. He had been brought in at 2 weeks because he was not thriving and not eating. He was deemed "unsustainable" by the humane society. They had thought he would not survive. He was 8 weeks old when I adopted him. He was doing better and aside from a cold when I first got him (which I treated by grinding up vitamin C and mixed with some wet food) he is now most definitely thriving. Yesterday marks a year of having him. He is pure black and since one of my favorite bands is Black Sabbath, I named him Sabbath.
I must admit, I still feel like I betrayed Tristan by getting another kitten days after his sudden death. Tristan has been my most favorite and loyal cat I have ever had. At the time of his death I was in a severe depression so I had hoped by getting another kitten (especially in knowing Sabbath was not thought to survive) that ultimately, it was a good thing. Sabbath is definitely a stinker and he is lethal with his biting. I've never had a cat that bites so that is still an adjustment. However, he is a very smart boy. We play hide and seek & peek a boo, lol.
I wanted to share this as a tribute to Tristan. I sure hope I see him again. Losing him has been the hardest loss I've ever experienced. I've lost a few friends to suicide and addiction but losing Tristan was much harder than those. I love you Tristan!
I have two domestic short hair sisters that I've had for about 2 years. About a month ago, one of my cats started getting huge knots in her fur. Before this there was never an issue, and her sister has never had knots. Since her hair is so short, I was surprised that she's getting these knots. I was also surprised because we went 2 years without this occurring. Does anyone have a hypothesis as to why this is happening? Is there anything we can do to prevent the knots?
Heads up, formatting may be off I'm on mobile.
So we have two 9 year old cats and we just got a kitten. The female older cat has never had kittens and is rather standoffish with people, only really wanting attention on her own terms, etc. When we got the kitten, she reacted as we expected, hissing, batting, growling. Recently, the kitten discovered a hole in the bottom of a bed and will climb in and just hang out for as long as she wants. The older female will now follow her and sit in front of the bed just staring, the whole time the kittens in there. She still hisses occasionally and is starting to warm up. This is very out of character for her. She won't meow or hiss when she watches, she'll just sit and wait. Nor does she react when the kitten comes out.
What could this mean? Is this her way of adjusting? Is she trying to protect her?