Friday, December 7, 2018

#cat - #Artemis the cat sits on my computer while meowing!

Artemis the cat sits on my computer while meowing!

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 10:58PM by vasianboy
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#cat - #You know what you did.

You know what you did.

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 10:53PM by bonfireheart94
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#cat - #Hsiao Mai's Story

Hsiao Mai's Story

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 09:39PM by DC_all
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#cat - #Pretty please

Pretty please

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 07:44PM by shairazi
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#cat - #Cats in Space #2 - the second in a series of illustrations by me :)

Cats in Space #2 - the second in a series of illustrations by me :)

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 05:28PM by 7xcipherx7
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted December 07, 2018 at 05:12PM by chikinsoulsoother
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#cat - #When he senses you have the Christmas catnip

When he senses you have the Christmas catnip

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 03:58PM by NocturnalDispatcher
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#cat - #What do you think about this kind of cat? Any experience?

What do you think about this kind of cat? Any experience?
No text found

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 02:37PM by mariahenina
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#cat - #I finally got a tongue blep out of her :) She was exausted obviously lol

I finally got a tongue blep out of her :) She was exausted obviously lol

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 03:15PM by MoonShineIowa
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#cat - #Cats in Space - the first in a series of illustrations by me.

Cats in Space - the first in a series of illustrations by me.

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 03:03PM by 7xcipherx7
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#cat - #School Kitty Ping eating from my hand. She has pretty yellow eyes that are not visible in this picture.

School Kitty Ping eating from my hand. She has pretty yellow eyes that are not visible in this picture.

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 10:38AM by Nano_P_Bott
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#cat - #Please help!! What should you do with stray kittens?

Please help!! What should you do with stray kittens?

I live in an apartment building, and we have a feral group of cats that live around. They are familiar with people and most of us feed them when we can. Well, one of the females got pregnant.

First off, I know that we need to get these cats spayed/neutered, but I've been having a hard time getting in contact with a group to do this. This is still in progress.

What I'm most worried about is a specific kitten. There are two kittens and I believe both male. They are maybe 10 weeks old.

At first, Kitten A was very friendly and Kitten B was very timid. Kitten B was also much smaller than Kitten A, maybe half the size. Kitten B was so timid that he wouldn't eat when I put food out. I was worried about him and started intentionally making his own pile and making sure it went to him and not the other cats.

Over time, Kitten B has started coming to me by himself. He isn't around the other cats as much, and has grown very close to me. I think Kitten A is doing well, he has become less friendly towards me and much closer to the other cats, which I think is a good thing.

Now, Kitten B waits outside and meows when he sees me for food. He's gained a lot of weight and is catching up to Kitten A. He is extremely affectionate, purring and loving the pets. He's so sweet.

I have been telling myself not to get too involved and that this is his life and that he's being like this towards me because of food, but last night changed my mind.

He was crying as usual and I went out to feed him, pet him and loved on him, and then had to go inside to take care of some things. There's a little window where he can see me and he started crying at the window when he saw me. He's got food, and he's still crying for me. When I opened the door, he started going back and forth, playing with the idea of coming inside. When I started petting him, he actually rolled over and let me pet his tummy, and then went back to eating.

I believe he was the runt, and I know that the other cats will try to push the weakest out. Of course, I dont know this for sure. The thing is that I would love to take him in but ultimately it would change his entire world and he would not ever see the other cats again. I do not want to do that to him unless it is worth it.

For some background, I have two cats in the house that are siblings. They are siamese and about two years old. I don't know how the react, but they are extremely friendly with dogs and people. They have been smelling the kitten on me every day and at least he's a kitten that is around other cats, but I know there's no guarentee it would work out.

Please help! I really care about this kitten and want to do the best for everyone. Any comment, questions, ideas welcome.

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 11:44AM by LucidZelda
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#cat - #Owners of one eyed cats, what's it like to have a little pirate? Possible adoption advice.

Owners of one eyed cats, what's it like to have a little pirate? Possible adoption advice.

Obligatory on mobile sorry for the wall of text, poor formatting and rambling.

So we are thinking of adding another cat to our family and have been for a while. So far we haven't met one that really caught our eye and would fit with our current cat. That's was until last night! One of our DnD friends brought over their foster kitten(4months) so that the two cats could socialize and see how they react. Well for a first meet of two cats it couldnt have gone better they had snacks within a foot of each other and slept within a foot of each other. So I would say as far as introducing it was a win. There was a little hissing and talking but really nothing aggressive and no attacking. Especially considering he is a very big boy and she is a very little cat(due to her previous life). She also cuddled right up to us which was nice.

However this little girl needs to have eye surgery to have her left eye removed. Admittedly my fiance is a little concerned about what effects this will have on her and what we would have to do as parents. So he is hesitant although he feels really guilty because it's not her fault he is worried. So I am just wanting some owners point of view of what it's like to have a one eyed cat?

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 11:45AM by purplebb8
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#cat - #This is Randall. He likes the sofa in-between.

This is Randall. He likes the sofa in-between.

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 10:37AM by Chilled_fruit
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted December 07, 2018 at 10:14AM by caedmon_
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#cat - #Wheezing cat?

Wheezing cat?

Woke up to my cat making this wheezing-type sound. Almost seemed like he wanted to cough something up or was about to throw up. Lasted about 30 seconds or less and then it just stopped. He seems totally fine and has eaten since. Anyone know what it could be?

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 09:34AM by Jcbray
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted December 07, 2018 at 09:35AM by killerbunnyfamily
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#kitty - #kitty.


Submitted December 07, 2018 at 08:37AM by Landovz
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#cat - #on the car again

on the car again

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 08:26AM by PartTimeFemale
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#cat - #Look at Billie!

Look at Billie!

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 05:06AM by ziowtf
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