Proof that cats are possessed by demons...
Submitted May 05, 2019 at 11:34PM by ForeverDreamer47
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/bl8284/proof_that_cats_are_possessed_by_demons/?utm_source=ifttt
Me and my partner have recently found ourselves responsible for an adorable raggamuffin looking kitten who we've named Hamilton. All we know about him is he's 8 weeks old, and his previous family wasn't very well off. We're in the U.K. We're sitting down now, first night with the little fella in our lives and we're spiralling because we don't know where to start registering him and even if we'll be able to get pet insurance. We've got a scratching post, a bed, loads'o toys, a litter tray which he's taken to instantly, and we're keeping him fed and watered. We're looking after him but feel terrified that we've got no paperwork. If anyone can help with suggestions or tips we'd really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
Hey all,
My kitten has been vomiting recently and I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to take her to the vet because they charged us almost two hundred dollars last time just to tell us to "keep doing what we're doing". I will if I have to, but I'd like to avoid them if I can.
The Vomiting Situation
She has vomited five times in the last month - so it's not like she's constantly vomiting but I'm still worried because it's out of character. (the only other time she's vomited was right after she got spayed and she was on pain meds)
She's been on the same wet food since we got her. We changed the flavour from chicken to fish because they didn't have the chicken last time we went shopping but it was the same brand so I'm unsure if the flavour change could cause this? There's been no variations in her dry food/treats.
We feed her wet food twice a day (7 am/7pm) and there is always a steady flow of dry food out for her which we replenish daily.
I read online that it could be just because she's eating to fast but I don't know how to monitor/prevent that. Suggestions? Or do you think it could be something else?
Honestly, if anyone has any insight - it'd be lovely. I'm a sympathetic puker so every time she vomits, so do I.
Rip us.