My Cat Camilla Chooses Her Sheba Wisely
Submitted May 14, 2018 at 09:47AM by Greggypreviews
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/8jdaze/my_cat_camilla_chooses_her_sheba_wisely/?utm_source=ifttt
So I had a pregnant cat dumped on me by a relative about 3 weeks ago. She gave birth on April 30th. The mama cat is black and had 4 black kittens. One of them started opening their eyes at 7 days and all had started opening their eyes by day 10. Well I had to go out of town this past weekend and of course after feeding all the other animals (I love on a farm) I went to feed the mama cat and check on/hold the kittens. The three females all had their eyes completely open and everything was fine. While their eyes are still cloudy and will be for a few more weeks you can see the iris and pupils. The Male kitten however has very cloudy eyes where you can't see the iris or pupils. Is it possible this will clear up or will he be blind. I had somebody who asked for him when they found out I had a male kitten but I told them yesterday that I wouldn't give him to them until I knew for sure he's not blind.
I've recently adopted a cat from the same shelter that I got my first cat. Both are wonderful in their own ways, but they have glaringly opposing personalities and aren't getting along. The cat I've had for years is extremely territorial and doesn't want the new cat coming near me. The new kitty is hiding in the bathroom constantly underneath the shelves, and I feel like in the long run this is a terrible environment for him, when he has a chance of being adopted into a better family if I return him. The shelter has a 30 day policy, should I return the cat? Would they really dislike me for it?
Update: He is now terrified of me? Anytime I come near him he runs and hides. I feel so bad for him.