What kind of cat is this handsome boy?
Submitted August 03, 2018 at 11:54PM by PartyPancakes123
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/94gyjw/what_kind_of_cat_is_this_handsome_boy/?utm_source=ifttt
so we r in turkey at my grandparents rn and there is one stray cat that visits us everyday for most of the day that i have become close with an spent a lot of time with, he trusts me the most. he is not neutered btw and is just starting adulthood.
yesterday my grandad accidentally locked him in the garage overnight, i didnt know this but today he visited and acted exactly the same as normal so didnt seem upset, except suddenly had scratches across his face, presumably from another cat.
earlier i heard him about to fight w anothee local fight so i broke it up and coerced him back to the house. acting like normal. then about half an hour later or less than that he disappears for a sec and returns and hes acting like ive never seen- hes attacking things that arent there and seems skittish and afraid. he starts itching himself a lot.
i say helloooo baby n beckon him to me n he bumps my hand affectionately n i give him a light pat, he doesnt like proper strokes or skritches.
then 5 mins later my relatives r worried his nose is bleeding so i go to look n i touch his body n idk if its normal but i havent noticed it before, its like hes vibrating? not purring. and all of a sudden he snaps his teeth at me and then warning swipes at me. never seen this before !!!
and then 5 mins later attacks a table leg and seems distressed about it.
im really worried now, is there a chance hes got rabies or something? or fleas! idk what causes this !!! ):