Submitted January 18, 2019 at 09:42PM by stefgirl14
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/kitty/comments/ahix5m/kitty/?utm_source=ifttt
She has tears on her right eye....and eye booger.
Any recommend ??
Should I take her to vet? or anyone used any product for it?
Sometimes she appears to be nervous, specially when there's fireworks close to my home, I was thinking if I could give her a Dimenhydrinate (trade name: Dramin, Draminate, Gravol, Dramamine) since it's a medicine to prevent nausea/queasiness
I've got a friend that told me he gives his cat Clonazepam (trade name: Rivotril, Alprazolam, Klonopin) since he don't react to Dimenhydrinate...