Two cats.
Submitted November 23, 2018 at 09:20PM by Bobbijf
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9zveyd/two_cats/?utm_source=ifttt
I got a cat yesterday evening. I've left out a small variety of food (dry, wet, and treats) and he hasn't eaten any that I can tell. I don't think he's drank water or used the bathroom either (not sure if he's litter box trained so he could've done it on my floor and I haven't found it yet). He spent most of last night and early today hiding and only came out recently. Since he's come out he's been very friendly, he's always been very vocal but even more so now, and he's even played a little with me (not sure he knew what the toy was and mostly stared at it, but I think he enjoyed himself).
I don't really know much about him and I probably won't be able to get to the vet for a week. I'd guess he's on the young side, maybe 3ish. He seemed freaked to be in a new environment and scared of my dog at first, he's still a little cautious now but he seems pretty okay with everything. He's just not eating.
While he and my dog have seen each other, they can't get to each other. They also don't really seem to care about the other's presence, though my dog's been really whiny today I think she's jealous.
I think he's just adjusting but I'm a little nervous. When I got my dog she was very subdued and calm (quite the opposite now) and didn't go to the bathroom for 2 straight days, but she did eat.
EDIT: Of course as soon as I post this he starts eating!! Still hasn't had water that I've seen but I'm confident he will now that he's eaten.
Winter is coming, which means dangerous times for homeless cats in cold, cold Norway. That's why Tailored Soap is donating 20% of the item price of all orders today instead of doing a Black Friday sale!
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We're doing this for 3,5 more hours (midnight in Norway)