Wednesday, May 29, 2019

#cat - #Epitome of cuteness

Epitome of cuteness

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 09:01PM by crysjeffrey
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#cat - #Do it again!!!

Do it again!!!

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 09:13PM by SZpirate-Jack
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#cat - #Daisy, my big ol' fluff cat and my daughter have an unbreakable bond. Nobody but my girl has the cats permission to cuddle, they are best friends and it melts my heart.

Daisy, my big ol' fluff cat and my daughter have an unbreakable bond. Nobody but my girl has the cats permission to cuddle, they are best friends and it melts my heart.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 06:20PM by n0rtikus
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#cat - #Handsome whiskered boy enjoying a nap in my bedroom window

Handsome whiskered boy enjoying a nap in my bedroom window

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 03:46PM by Missjaneausten
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#cat - #A picture of my big boyo being a proper boy

A picture of my big boyo being a proper boy

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 03:38PM by Drininix
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#cat - #We have a young kitten that likes to scratch and bite, and idk what to do

We have a young kitten that likes to scratch and bite, and idk what to do

My kitten is a 6week old little boy we rescued after his mom abandoned him right before a big storm. His mama and siblings had been living near our house for some time, but after a massive storm I came home from school and checked on the kittens to find only one remained, his mom and siblings nowhere to be found. After a few hours, he still sat there crying and alone, and another storm was coming, so we brought him inside.

We've had him for about two weeks now, he accepted the domestic life pretty instantly, the very first night we had him he went from hissing at us to curling up and sleeping on our legs.

The issue I have with him is that he likes to wrestle, where he will pounce on your feet or hands, and then curl his entire body around it as he digs his claws and teeth in. He's just playing, but it hurts like crazy and with all the energy he has he wants to play all the time.

Biggest issue is is that, even though my family will tolerate it, we can't keep him. My mom is allergic and though she loves him well have to rehome him. But I don't like the idea of giving him a new home when we don't know how they'll react to his play style, not to mention he does the same with my dogs, and though again they both tolerate it (one more than the other, my youngest likes to wrestle him back) if we rehome him to a home with dogs and the dogs don't appreciate getting bitten and clawed I'm scared they might hurt him

Is this an okay behavior for a kitten to have? Will he outgrow it? He's not doing it aggressively but I'm still not sure whether or not it would be a good idea to try and discourage the behavior or if it'd be safe to let him continue

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 02:37PM by eicaker
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#cat - #New kitten owner - need help!

New kitten owner - need help!

I rescued a kitten today. We bonded, he let me hold him and purred. He's about 2 months old. Brought him home in the carrier case- he meowed the whole time. I got him home in a room designated for him all in eyesight of litterbox, food, water, cat milk & toys. I opened the carrier so when he's comfortable he can come out. I decide I will continue as if he's not there and sit on the floor far away randomly to get him to come to me. He keeps hissing whenever I walk by, and hardcore meowing when I go out of his vision.

What else do I do besides from what I'm doing? When I sit on the couch he climbs up and will lay next to me. This is all new. Any help is appreciated

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 02:00PM by mizzzzzzzz
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#cat - #One of my two gorgeous kittys

One of my two gorgeous kittys

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 02:24PM by androidarmyR
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#cat - #The gorgeous Arioch trying to manipulate me into giving him some of the lactofree yogurt I was eating. He won, I let him lick the lid. Lactose free yogurt so cat belly friendly 😉

The gorgeous Arioch trying to manipulate me into giving him some of the lactofree yogurt I was eating. He won, I let him lick the lid. Lactose free yogurt so cat belly friendly 😉

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 02:00PM by WheelyCrazyCatLady
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#cat - #Testing the camera on my new phone.

Testing the camera on my new phone.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 11:16AM by jungle_wookie
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#cat - #I've said let me sleep!

I've said let me sleep!

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 09:17AM by Katzemietz
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#cat - #My cat's skin moves sometimes

My cat's skin moves sometimes

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 10:34AM by SunHasReturned
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#cat - #Circle cat.

Circle cat.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 08:33AM by Allpaintedbright
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#cat - #This is Siouxsie she is my lil floof ball

This is Siouxsie she is my lil floof ball

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 07:42AM by Flufbal
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#cat - #This is our four cats (sadly there's only two left) Their name are Kuya (Big brother), Manghud (little brother), Puti (White) and tarsier (Little one with big eyes ) Kuya and Manghud looks simlar but has a 1 year gap (I guess)

This is our four cats (sadly there's only two left) Their name are Kuya (Big brother), Manghud (little brother), Puti (White) and tarsier (Little one with big eyes ) Kuya and Manghud looks simlar but has a 1 year gap (I guess)

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 07:08AM by Just_Carliz
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#cat - #This Toby! Any idea what breed he is?

This Toby! Any idea what breed he is?

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 06:58AM by Red_Jac
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#cat - #My 14 years old fat cat wearing this shirt like a Boss.

My 14 years old fat cat wearing this shirt like a Boss.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 06:41AM by LoreiaFalls
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#cat - #This my cat 'Zuko' chilling here in the sun🐈

This my cat 'Zuko' chilling here in the sun🐈

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 04:15AM by TheDutchMrEagle
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