Saturday, February 10, 2018

#cat - #Where to store cat litter box?

Where to store cat litter box?

I am renting a room and so I am only able to store my cats litter box within my bedroom. I have little space and was wondering if anyone has stored theirs in a closet? Or any ways to keep the smell under control? My only worry is that the smell will contaminate the clothing, the last thing I want to smell like is some fresh cat poop.

Submitted February 10, 2018 at 10:42PM by suuhhduudeee
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#cat - #Shh...don’t tell him it’s his new cat carrier!

Shh...don't tell him it's his new cat carrier!

Submitted February 10, 2018 at 08:52PM by bethoftheburgh
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#cat - #My cat has a swollen eye

My cat has a swollen eye

I took in a stray cat about three weeks ago, she's been great so far. My dad lets her out a lot... The problem is recently I noticed that she's been squinting in one of her eyes, and when I lift her top eyelid up, you can see her "under eyelid" swelling up, same for her bottom eyelid. It's super red, and she has really thick discharge. My dad hates her, so he refuses to take it to the vet. I'm 14 so I don't have a car, or the money to take her to a vet, I'm trying my best to make enough money to feed her. Is it an infection/how bad is it?

Submitted February 10, 2018 at 05:14PM by cinixi
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#kitty - #kitty.


Submitted February 10, 2018 at 10:28AM by gamingtee123
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#cat - #God,please help my cat,She is the angel of my life.The pet hospital has been treated her for half a month and I've spent $3,000 and I still don't know the cause!!!

God,please help my cat,She is the angel of my life.The pet hospital has been treated her for half a month and I've spent $3,000 and I still don't know the cause!!!

Submitted February 10, 2018 at 09:21AM by S1Currry
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#cat - #Cat survives earthquake

Cat survives earthquake

Submitted February 10, 2018 at 08:05AM by lotusblossom60
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