Milo is life
Submitted September 06, 2019 at 07:29PM by xtina830
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/d0psab/milo_is_life/?utm_source=ifttt
I have an older cat (15) who has recently (past year) started pissing in my brothers clean clothes. My brother isn't mean to him and they don't seem to be enemies or anything. I keep his litter box clean and just bought him a new one. His litter box is in my upstairs bathroom. My brothers clothes that usually get peed on downstairs in the laundry room in a basket. Any thoughts on why he might have started doing this and/or what I can do to stop him from doing this without restricting his movements around the house? Thanks for any help.
I am at the shelter looking at cats. Deciding between a kitten and a 10 year old cat.
I am a first-time cat owner and I don't know what to expect. Should I get multiple cats or just one being that this is the first time I'm owning a cat.
I'm taking them to the vet ASAP to get checked out and some shots. They were both pretty boney, but ate and drank really well. Should I just keep food out constantly for them to let them eat as much as they want to fatten up? It will be a few days before the vet can see them. They are seriously so sweet and snuggly and had no fear of people so they weren't feral. I can't imagine why anyone would just turn these babies loose. Never had cats before and I think I just found the two best in the world .