Tuesday, September 11, 2018

#kitty - #Kitty.



Submitted September 11, 2018 at 08:56PM by feetmittenz
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/kitty/comments/9f416t/kitty/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #King of the garden

King of the garden

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 08:39PM by LunaLavinia
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9f3wvp/king_of_the_garden/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #we stopped trying to keep her off the table

we stopped trying to keep her off the table

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 05:23PM by regular_human_
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9f2g9l/we_stopped_trying_to_keep_her_off_the_table/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #My cat loves balloons lol

My cat loves balloons lol

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 01:32PM by White_Bread904
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9f0lk7/my_cat_loves_balloons_lol/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #This is my child and her name is “Pfötchen“, german for little paw <3

This is my child and her name is "Pfötchen", german for little paw <3

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 12:12PM by vvnsue
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9ezyhb/this_is_my_child_and_her_name_is_pf%C3%B6tchen_german/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #My tiger

My tiger

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 12:41PM by CaptainDab
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9f076i/my_tiger/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #3 kittens, 3 personalities

3 kittens, 3 personalities

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 09:58AM by SteamPaul
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9eysvp/3_kittens_3_personalities/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #lookin good

lookin good

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 09:17AM by zqrns
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9eyg4p/lookin_good/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #MyPad


Submitted September 11, 2018 at 08:56AM by GenaGrowlands
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9ey9rq/mypad/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #Help a paranoid cat parent out

Help a paranoid cat parent out

Okay, I'm not sure if this is the right place to be posting this but I dont use reddit often enough to know the difference, so bare with me.

To make a long story even longer... the gist of it is, my spouse and i have a cat. And my spouses parents have a dog. They were going on a cruise for this week and asked us to dog sit for them. We of course want to be a blessing to them so we said yes. We live about an hour away from his parents house, and we work in the town we live in. My cat in total would be alone for 8 nights. My question is, is it a good idea to stop in and spend some time with him every day that we're in town for work? Or is it too much on him to see us daily but for us to be gone in the evening? Hes a pretty nervous cat in general, he only likes my spouse and I. And when we leave for long periods of time like this, he normally gets pretty upset. So I thought that by spending time with him from 6 am to around 11 am / noon, it would be better than him having no time with us at all and just being left alone. He has only 4 more nights to go, but this is the second day I've come in and spent some time with him. Am I perpetuating the situation by coming back and seeing him and then leaving again? Or am I maybe helping?

I am a very overly cautious paranoid cat parent, so I know I sound pretty ridiculous. But 2 years ago I lost a cat suddenly to heart failure, she was fine one minute we left the house came back in 15 minutes and she had passed. Unfortunately this has left me very very paranoid about leaving this kitty we have now.. so my nerves are crazy!

Thank you to anyone who even took the time to read this, and thank you to those who respond. :) I am very appreciative.

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 08:11AM by catsnpizza1
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9exw4d/help_a_paranoid_cat_parent_out/?utm_source=ifttt

#kitty - #Kitty.



Submitted September 11, 2018 at 06:27AM by stengebt
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/kitty/comments/9ex379/kitty/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #Help: Cat Scared of BF

Help: Cat Scared of BF

I'm at a loss of what to do. My boyfriend and I started seeing each other back in April. I adopted my cat about 3.5 years ago. She was a year old when I adopted her; the shelter found her at a month old. She was sick on and off up until a few months before I adopted her, so she didn't have much exposure to other people/animals and is extremely skittish. She tends to be wary of new people, but eventually warms up to them.

She reached a point where she was friendly with my boyfriend, but one day he accidentally spooked her. He poked her when she was eating near the edge of my bed and when he tried to follow her because he felt bad about scaring her, she hid in my closet, thinking he was chasing her. She used to hide under my bed when I got her, so my bed is her safe space.

Now, she will start to become comfortable with him again, but he might move too fast or walk in an area where she will feel trapped and she regresses. She has started to poop on the carpet or cower and hide. He basically lives here and is starting to officially move in, so he is here more often. We try to give her places where he will leave her alone when she gets scared. I have also tried spraying these areas with Feliway to calm her.

How can we help her calm down and for them become friends again?

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 05:15AM by EponaShadowfax
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9ewly9/help_cat_scared_of_bf/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #This is a cat. (It’s a baby echidna, but I wanted to share cause raisins)

This is a cat. (It's a baby echidna, but I wanted to share cause raisins)

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 06:51AM by ExtraThiccDip
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9ex9i2/this_is_a_cat_its_a_baby_echidna_but_i_wanted_to/?utm_source=ifttt

#cat - #Happy birthday, cinder (male)

Happy birthday, cinder (male)

Submitted September 11, 2018 at 04:41AM by Banojo
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/9ewehn/happy_birthday_cinder_male/?utm_source=ifttt