Friday, May 18, 2018

#cat - #My cat is too clingy.

My cat is too clingy.

He spends all his time in my bedroom, and if I go to another room he'll follow me, just now I'm sat on my floor, he comes up next to me, I sit up and go on my bed, he jumps up and sits next to me, and expects me to pet him all the time.

If he wants to chill downstairs he'll meow at me to come sit with him, and if I don't he'll come back up and make me follow him.

He's 18 and pretty fat so he struggles with stairs and it sucks watching him have to climb them all just to follow me cause I want to go to my top floor or something. I don't think he's sick, I've only had him about 4 months.

Now I feel super guilty about leaving him to cuz he was probably abused and hates being alone

Submitted May 18, 2018 at 09:12PM by Tramadolcodeiine
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#cat - #Cat.


Submitted May 18, 2018 at 07:35PM by bleobtheboog
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#cat - #Does anyone else’s cat follow you to the bathroom.? So that they can fall asleep within seconds...?

Does anyone else's cat follow you to the bathroom.? So that they can fall asleep within seconds...?

Submitted May 18, 2018 at 06:21PM by cs_tlc
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#cat - #A lot of people say she looks a bit of a Siamese mix, opinions?

A lot of people say she looks a bit of a Siamese mix, opinions?

Submitted May 18, 2018 at 04:49PM by mimspng
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#cat - #I like falling asleep with my sweet kitty near my feet, but she wants to wake me up at 5 or 5:30AM. Advice?

I like falling asleep with my sweet kitty near my feet, but she wants to wake me up at 5 or 5:30AM. Advice?

Submitted May 18, 2018 at 09:59AM by agaponka
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#cat - #Can someone tell me what breed is my cat ?

Can someone tell me what breed is my cat ?

Submitted May 18, 2018 at 06:50AM by Archast
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted May 18, 2018 at 06:32AM by stengebt
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