Felicia McDoom is 2 now. Time for the talk
Submitted July 17, 2018 at 08:40PM by Ezgru
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/8zrmb2/felicia_mcdoom_is_2_now_time_for_the_talk/?utm_source=ifttt
I don't know if this is the place to put this question but I'm gonna try it. My dad says if the cat doesn't stop pooping out of the little box we will have to get rid of him. I love my cat so much. He poops on clothes or the carpet so mostly in soft places. He usually does it when no one is around or the lights are off. We think he was abused before we got him as he flinches at being petted even if he's used to you. We've have him for a couple months and I don't know how to make him stop. Please if you have and success stories about this help me out. How can I get him to go into the litter box?
I am pretty positive i probably talk to my cats more than i talk to actual people.
She's a year old and has been losing weight for a while. For the last 4-5 days she has been throwing up constantly. We took her to the vet, got blood work, a fecal scan, feline leukemia test, deworming, and fluids. Everything came back normal. Nothing odd about the blood and no worms. The vet said she didn't feel an obstruction and she is pooping simi normally. Only a slight temperature.
I just don't know what's wrong with her, she can't keep anything down and this morning she's acting so odd! She won't come out from under the couch and when we moved it to get her out she acted like she was in a daze and not normally at all. She refused to eat and went back under the couch. When she does eat she gags and while eating. Please any help or any advice would help so much!