Sunday, September 30, 2018

#cat - #Window Problems...

Window Problems...

Hello Cat People of Reddit!

My boyfriend and I recently adopted a cat this month, his name is Murphy and he is sweet but very timid and shy still. He loves to come out at night and sit on the window sill. This wasn't a problem until this morning. He some how brushed up hard against the screen and it popped off (there was some previous damage to the screen before) and he went outside (we assumed he fell since he always been an indoor cat). He luckily stayed on the porch until we found him this morning and brought him in. Our problem is we are on the third floor so he luckily was at the right window other wise he would fell a good distance. We enjoy having our windows open so we are trying to figure out some alternatives to keep them open at times and not worry about our boy falling.

First plan, getting a new screen on the broken one.

Second plans, preventing him from being up there or being able to brush against the screen... I have seen some ideas

-Child window guard - wouldn't work he is too small and would be able to go through.

-Tension rod - I was thinking of placing a tension rod on the lower part above the window sill and in the middle so he wouldn't be able to sit on the window sill.

-Making a little "fence" to put on the inner part of the window frame so he can't brush up on the screen.

Other ideas?? I am trying to remain tasteful with my choices as much as I can but I want his safety too. Much appreciated!

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 11:53PM by nursejamimae
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#cat - #A sweet loaf with ears ^_^

A sweet loaf with ears ^_^

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 04:27PM by AnMarieSwandy
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted September 30, 2018 at 06:15PM by WinnieThePooh1996
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted September 30, 2018 at 06:25PM by Ticonderoga10-11
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#cat - #Belly Rubs Wanted

Belly Rubs Wanted

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 02:10PM by AntMUK
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#cat - #Bob the cat. 😺

Bob the cat. 😺

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 01:49PM by Anirbas24
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#cat - #My new cat finally comfortable to come to bed with me but thats my old cats territory....

My new cat finally comfortable to come to bed with me but thats my old cats territory....

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 12:18PM by merderlee27
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#cat - #Cat tree I made for my two cats

Cat tree I made for my two cats

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 11:28AM by TheJonathanDavid
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#cat - #lol


Submitted September 30, 2018 at 10:36AM by jugebreg
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted September 30, 2018 at 09:41AM by ASammy5547
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#cat - #Every time I try to take photos of her...

Every time I try to take photos of her...

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 07:15AM by OkPark
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#cat - #Help! Something happened to our cat!

Help! Something happened to our cat!

We have two cats: one male approx 3 years old, Pickles, and one female approx 2 years old, Olive. They are definitely from the same mother, possibly from the same father, just a different litter obviously. We got them both very young, Pickles was less than 2 weeks old and Olive was about 6 weeks.

The two have always gotten along from the beginning. They would play fight, sometimes kind of rough but nothing vicious. Pickles usually seemed to come out the winner which was no surprise because he is twice the size of Olive.

About a week ago I heard Pickles meowing at the front door. He sneaks out sometimes but we try to keep them indoors. I let him in and Olive just goes for him. I mean all out screaming and hissing. I had to break them up. She scratched him really bad under his eye. Now we can't have the two of them together or Olive will attack him. Pickles gets scared. He pissed himself twice he was so scared. I don't think he knows why she's attacking.

I have never seen an animal turn on another animal like this. I've done some research and I don't see any information on this behavior. Olive is in heat and we are getting her spayed this week, but she has been in heat before and never had a problem with Pickles, who is neutered.

Anyway, if you read all that I thank you. Any helpful information would be greatly appreciated. We bought a large cage to put Olive in so Pickles can come out and they can see each other but so far they just scream and hiss from a safe distance.

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 06:36AM by tootallbones
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted September 30, 2018 at 06:04AM by brainstormedxo
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#cat - #Amazingly Incredible eyes

Amazingly Incredible eyes

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 04:45AM by blessedbaron
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#cat - #Looking after my friend’s cat! This is how I was greeted!

Looking after my friend's cat! This is how I was greeted!

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 02:27AM by Secretasari
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#cat - #He's just a little bit mad

He's just a little bit mad

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 03:27AM by EnjiHD
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#cat - #Shitpost, my baby craps bigger than my grown cat...

Shitpost, my baby craps bigger than my grown cat...

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 01:37AM by grittymeatball-
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