Submitted September 26, 2018 at 11:12PM by stpudi
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/kitty/comments/9ja1mt/kitty/?utm_source=ifttt
I rescued my cat from a shelter I brought him home and his poop is a pudding consistency and has a terrible odor to it. Could it be the cat food?
Meet Ori! https://imgur.com/gallery/apGEy4x
As soon as I leave the room for 5 seconds LITERALLY be pisses on my blanket. I hided the blanket when I wasnt home but as soon as I lay in my bed, he pisses on the blanket RIGHT NEXT TO ME. I bought another litter box, nothing helps. I start to hate him. I will never abuse it, I would give him away before I lose patience. But I CANT HAVE A PEACEFUL SLEEP. It feels like he is provoking me in pourpose. I need help
Hello everyone,
Im on mobile I'm posting about my sister's cat. She's an older diva (10+ years) and I was grooming her with a brush and I was giving her a once over with my hand and felt what I thought was a fur mat (she's getting older and bigger and needs help cleaning herself) and found this cat help on her.
What am I looking at? I apologize if this isn't the right place. Any advice or insight is appreciated.
Edit 1: she didn't seem bothered or try to swat me away when I was pushing the hair away to take a photo. She's an indoor cat and sometimes goes outside (supervised so she doesn't get into mischief)
So I've had my cat Guppy for about 3 years now and frankly put he is not a very good cat, but I think that with some hard work he can be.
About 2 months ago I was about to get rid of him. I had recently moved from a house to an apartment and he was misbehaving extremely bad. He peed in my closet twice and on my roommates clothes once; this behavior seemed to be territorial. He also meowed a lot and would sneak up on me and bite me feet and legs. Just before I was ready to get rid of him I realized that his behavior was my fault as an owner and not his as a pet, so I decided to try and be a better owner and improve his behavior. Hes always bitten me and only wants attention on his word. He DOES NOT like to be held.
Since then I have played with him more everyday and spend more time and money improving his life. Its probably important to note that he is not neutered but has never sprayed.
When he meows I try to ignoring him and reward him with treats, pets, and play when hes quiet. When he bites me or pees (which he hasn't done since the first 3 occasions) I snap my fingers, grab his scruff and say no sharply. These changes have greatly improved his mood and how often he misbehaves but I still have a ways to go. I work 5 days a week and am away from home 9 hours on those days I work. My roommate does not like my cat and won't give him attention while I'm at work. When I get home I try to play with him for awhile but I have to eat and would like to relax a little bit, so the 20-30 minutes I give him isn't enough and he ends up trying to bite my ankles when I'm done. He also has ear mites that are bad but hes a violent cat and has literally shreaded my arms and screamed when I've tried to put medicine in his, very sensitive at this point, ears. He's also begun to claw at doors to get my attention. I would really appreciate some tips on how to help him entertain himself sometimes. He pretty much will only play with string toys at this point. I'd also like to be able to handle him more and I'd like to get rid of his ear mites, so any advice would help.
Sorry for the book of text but I felt its necessary to list the steps of gone through to try and make my buddy have a better life.
TLDR: My cat is a dick but its my fault and I need help being a better owner.
Also here's a picture of him: https://m.imgur.com/a/Subok