Monday, November 12, 2018

#cat - #I don't have the heart to move her

I don't have the heart to move her

Submitted November 12, 2018 at 11:39PM by Little_Moppie
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#cat - #My little Angel 😇

My little Angel 😇

Submitted November 12, 2018 at 10:30PM by vateeq
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#cat - #Let's Acrobat challenge

Let's Acrobat challenge

Submitted November 12, 2018 at 10:38PM by Nivedkrishna
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#cat - #Got home late last night and they were waiting

Got home late last night and they were waiting

Submitted November 12, 2018 at 08:43PM by spideyowl
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#cat - #Where do you buy/sell used cat products?

Where do you buy/sell used cat products?

Hello Redditers!

Just as the title reads, where is your go to place to sell or buy 'used' pet products? Markets? Websites? Craigslist? With used I mean products that you may have purchased but never used etc and now looking to sell off.


Submitted November 12, 2018 at 09:12PM by VictoriaDavis
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#cat - #Cat won't eat or drink...It's her second day in her new home

Cat won't eat or drink...It's her second day in her new home

Hello fellow cat people...

I am super anxious as my cat is neither eating or drinking for two days in a row now.

We adopted her from a shelter here in Japan, where she was brought to by her former owner.

She is 4-5 years old and spent those years with a partner cat, who we unfortunately couldn't take along...

In our home she has her own room, with her litter box (which she used once or twice for pee, I think, couldn't find any poo so far), lot's of cushions, a box with her former blanket, a cat tree, several food plates and a water bowl.

She has several hiding options in the room as well, including her own carry box. She is slowly but surely getting acclimated, except for the fact that she doesn't drink or eat... She even ventured outside of the room a couple times and took a walk in the living room and the kitchen.

I presented her with 4 different food options so far, wet and dry food. I keep her food plates clean and they are flat so her whiskers aren't disturbed or anything. I tried placing the food far away from her litter box, even outside the room for a while, but doesn't help. I sprinkled fish flakes over the food, tried warming food up...nothing. :(

I read that sprinkling a little cheese over food is also an option?

Does anyone have more tips as to how I can motivate my cat to eat? I fear that taking her to the vet will make things worse as she will just be traumatized by yet another environmental change...

Idk what to do

Submitted November 12, 2018 at 05:44PM by girlnextdooryo
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#cat - #Bawx of cat

Bawx of cat

Submitted November 12, 2018 at 05:16PM by Banojo
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#cat - #-_-


Submitted November 12, 2018 at 02:44PM by StzYago
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#cat - #Kitty Kitty and me, cat and human. After the mouse...;-)

Kitty Kitty and me, cat and human. After the mouse...;-)

Kitty Kitty hanging out at the usual spot...

Submitted November 12, 2018 at 12:47PM by whiskers0067
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#cat - #Hi everyone! I’m new here and am seeking some advice from all you cat lovers out there. My 1 yr old ragdoll seems to be grooming my foster kittens but takes an unexpected turn. Is my cat being aggressive? Why is the kitten hissing?

Hi everyone! I'm new here and am seeking some advice from all you cat lovers out there. My 1 yr old ragdoll seems to be grooming my foster kittens but takes an unexpected turn. Is my cat being aggressive? Why is the kitten hissing?

Submitted November 12, 2018 at 11:01AM by laila_tareq
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#cat - #Say wha?

Say wha?

Submitted November 11, 2018 at 06:02PM by spacecello42
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#cat - #best cute cat picture

best cute cat picture

Submitted November 12, 2018 at 03:31AM by warranthome1
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#cat - #Santa baby

Santa baby

Submitted November 11, 2018 at 10:59PM by macfredough
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