Saturday, November 3, 2018

#cat - #My Sleepy Shadow

My Sleepy Shadow

Submitted November 04, 2018 at 12:23AM by julsvsjuls
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#cat - #My cat was murdered

My cat was murdered

Hello cat-lovers. I got the worst news of my life so far on Friday. My dearly beloved cat, whom I have had for 12 years, my beautiful baby boy, was mauled to death by one of the family dogs. He was more like a son to me, my favourite of my five cats, the only one I could imagine being pregnant with. We had such a special bond and he really loved me, licking my face and purring whenever I picked him up. I was the only human whom he let touch him. I feel like my world is crumbling and I don't know if I will ever be the same again. None of the other cats match up to him and I've just been bedridden and crying all weekend. I keep thinking of how I could have given him a better life - he had gooey eyes at times and I picked the goo out of them sometimes and on my last contact with him I was cleaning wax out of his ears, not cuddling him. He had also been attacked by the dog before and we said the dog needs a new home but we put it off, just keeping them separate. It seemed so cruel to bring the dog back to the shelter when he was so happy with us and a playmate for the other dog but it's what we should have done and my beloved baby boy would still be with us. I said to my dad it's like if I had a boyfriend who battered me a few times, my father let me keep seeing him and then he savagely murdered me. It could have been prevented, I feel so personally responsible and tear up when I think of how he ended and how I could have given him a better life. It's just horrific, when he was alive I said he was the love of my life and I can't imagine loving anything more, not even a husband or a child. I would deal better with the death of me mother, father, sister or brother . I know I may seem maudlin but I'm just so lost and don't feel my life will ever truly be the same again. I am asking the chaplains at my college to pray for him to get into heaven and I may ask the catholic chaplain if there is anything I can do to get him into heaven, I will stay chaste for ten years or the likewise if I have to. Also, we have the option of either putting down the dog or bringing him back to the shelter, or trying to find a new home for him among our friends. We have four other cats and this cannot be allowed to happen again. I don't agree with the death penalty for humans and he is such a sprightly and friendly dog to humans but I can't bear to think that this could happen to another cat, and euthanasia is meant to be painless. I was thinking of emailing the philosophy department at college and asking what is the most ethical thing to do. Can anyone guide me on the right thing to do? It has just been such a nightmare that I keep wishing I could wake up from. I would do anything to be with him again, cuddling in bed with him licking my face and purring.

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 10:35PM by MoyaOSullivan
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#cat - #My best friend, her name is Guppy, and i love her so much, she helps me with my anxiety issues. I'd really like to know what breed she is, i think a little bit of Maine Coon, because of her fur length and body size. I love her regardless, though ❤

My best friend, her name is Guppy, and i love her so much, she helps me with my anxiety issues. I'd really like to know what breed she is, i think a little bit of Maine Coon, because of her fur length and body size. I love her regardless, though ❤

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 10:58PM by ShinyCathulhu
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#cat - #How dare I reddit and not pay attention to him?

How dare I reddit and not pay attention to him?

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 09:01PM by KnockMeYourLobes
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#cat - #I found a kitty within a kitty

I found a kitty within a kitty

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 08:47PM by ScotchTapeGeek
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted November 03, 2018 at 08:17PM by stpudi
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#cat - #My cat. What more can be said

My cat. What more can be said

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 05:58PM by VulpeNathan
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#cat - #Dog?



Submitted November 03, 2018 at 04:57PM by Crutons673
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#cat - #Cat tree recommendations?

Cat tree recommendations?

I'm in the market for a cat tree and I'd like some suggestions please! :)

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 04:08PM by aliceunknown
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#cat - #Care for a game of cat and mouse?

Care for a game of cat and mouse?

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 02:48PM by Dogsi3ite
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#cat - #Not sure if it’s my cats time or not

Not sure if it's my cats time or not

I'm (21F) new to reddit and looking for some advice about my cat that I've had since I was 8yrs old. He is a 13 year old main coon. I'm looking for advice on wether or not I should consider having him euthanized.

He has been a healthy (although overweight) happy indoor-outdoor cat all his life. Over this past summer he started to have issues that I thought coincided with moving houses (he is not used to moving he lived in the same house until he was 10 and has moved a few times since then) such as puking a lot and generally being very vocal, keeping me up at night etc. The issues continued for longer so I knew it was something more serious. He couldn't keep down his food at all and started to lose weight and I thought it may have been that he couldn't digest his hard food anymore so I switched him to wet food. This seemed to help a ton but after a while he started losing weight really rapidly. I can feel most of his bones now when I pet him which is startling for me because he's been overweight his whole life. When the temperature rose during the summer he started having a particularly difficult time, was extremely vocal all the time, meowing, would not let me sleep more than a few hours, started throwing up again often, and would often sit there breathing with his mouth open and his breathing was very fast and sometimes labored. I took him to the vet and they said he was basically in heart failure and his breathing was waaay too fast for normal and he was probably always out of breath and uncomfortable. I decided to have him euthanized but took him home for a few days first so my siblings that also grew up with him could say goodbye and what not. At this point the heat spell seemed to be over and he almost immediately started to seem better. He stopped breathing with his mouth open and his breathing slowed right back down to almost normal. He wasn't as vocal and stopped throwing up. So I decided to wait it out and see. It's been a few months since then and he has seemed generally okay, his breathing almost always seems normal, and he seems content when I'm around. He has gone back to throwing up fairly often though, maybe once, twice a week, and he's still skin and bones, and my mother claims he's had diarrhea a few times while I wasn't there. He is also always always hungry and meowing for food and since he's been losing so much weight and is skin and bones I have just been feeding him whenever he whines for food because I feel like there's no harm done feeding him more at this point? But he's constantly eating and doesn't gain weight. I feel bad thinking about this as well but the stains on my carpet are becoming an issue as I'm renting 😓. Just looking for some advice, I've had 2 pets euthanized when I was a kid but that was all up to my parents and now it's all up to me and I'm struggling with it a bit, sorry my post is so long.

Tl;dr: my cat became really sick over the summer and I made the decision to have him euthanized but he has since recovered, somewhat. Not sure if I should still have him euthanized, and can't really decide if his quality of life is okay enough.

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 01:47PM by redditaccount7884
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted November 03, 2018 at 12:49PM by elphaba23
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#cat - #The staff at the vet office aren’t very helpful.

The staff at the vet office aren't very helpful.

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 11:51AM by ODLL223
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#cat - #Nail clipping

Nail clipping

Any idea or tips on how to clip a cat's nails when she refuses to and gets aggressive when we touch her paws. Her naila got way too long and she is getting stuck in almost anything she touches.

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 10:25AM by KarlGerges
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Submitted November 03, 2018 at 11:03AM by LPS-Monsterpawz
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#cat - #open me

open me


Submitted November 03, 2018 at 04:58AM by lol4r4
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#cat - #Srsly?


Just watched my butthead cat jump up on the counter, retrieve a cheddar brat from the pan on the stove (they were still sitting there from dinner not having been cleaned up yet) and jump down with it and run off as if a proud hunter enjoying the spoils of her capture 🤦🏻‍♀️ #catmomlife

Submitted November 03, 2018 at 01:03AM by arussell2587
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