Monday, February 19, 2018

#cat - #My cat

My cat

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 08:22PM by RagingRamenT_T
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#cat - #2 Cats Yawning in Slow Motion

2 Cats Yawning in Slow Motion

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 04:16PM by RescueCats777
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#cat - #indoor cat with injury?

indoor cat with injury?

my roommates and i just noticed an injury on my cats front leg. looks like she may have been chewing at the fur and made it bleed some, or got hurt on something in the house and was mending it herself (which meant licking a lot of the fur around it?). but were not sure and were worried! we had just seen her a few minutes before and didnt see anything? the other day her mouth was foaming a lot but it only happened once so i assumed there was just something in her mouth and she fixed it with the foam. her behavior otherwise is normal. shes energetic and playful and shes always talkative, she usually chirps but meows (mainly when left alone or when she wants food) sometimes too. just not sure what the explanation would be for the injury and if we should worry? taking her to the vet would be really expensive and if its not necessary id like to avoid it. i want her to be okay :(

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 03:38PM by tslamp
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#cat - #Fell asleep while getting chin lovin. Slept like this for over 2 minutes before moving his head...

Fell asleep while getting chin lovin. Slept like this for over 2 minutes before moving his head...

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 04:00PM by SiLifino
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#cat - #That one....

That one....

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 01:56PM by dogtried
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#cat - #My cats a person

My cats a person

It was like midnight and he was sitting in the living room licking his paws but was actually sitting on his butt ? Like it freaked me out! I have never seen him sit like that...

I wish I could've gotten a picture

He got up and went and hid under the couch ?

As if I caught him..

I'm on to him.

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 09:51AM by Jewelzthegemini91
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#cat - #Accurate sign is accurate

Accurate sign is accurate

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 09:09AM by Ecko1988
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted February 19, 2018 at 06:23AM by stengebt
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#cat - #My cat having skin problems, the veterinarian say that we had to change her food

My cat having skin problems, the veterinarian say that we had to change her food

Hi everyone My cat is having skin problems, she is scratching herself, so there is some blood. 2 time per year she came to the veterinarian but last week he said that she needs hypoallergenic food any suggestions? thank you

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 03:35AM by banalategan
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#cat - #Help !!!!! i dont find my Cat !!!!!! .

Help !!!!! i dont find my Cat !!!!!! .

Hi first post on reddit . so i have problem i dont find my cat . before my grand mother death ( i miss her 😞 ) he was scared and weird . after the ambulance came in and open the door he just disappeared from the appartement and we didn't see him since ( sometime he goes outside then comes back home but today i didnt see him att all ) . iam scared he gets hit by a car or something else . this is the story how we got him : the cat came from nowhere he entered the house with a necklace ( that was dirty and shit ) . he was just chill adoptive even if he bites and plays so we tried to find the owner . but nothing . so we cleaned him . get him in the veterinarian . and told us that the necklase is dirty with substance and it make the cat sick . so we removed it . so we got everything for the cat food . literbox . toys . and stuff and made it our pet . We got him for only a month but we really got attached to him . He is 6 months old . and the problem is : is he going to his old owner that didnt cared for him or us ???? . and does he know where is our house . salembier ( algiers ) is a busy city and it scary .

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 04:40AM by iwwilol123
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#cat - #My cat, Coco jumps in Slow Motion!

My cat, Coco jumps in Slow Motion!

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 01:42AM by RescueCats777
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