Thursday, May 10, 2018

#cat - #My kitty always drinks from the far side of the bowl.

My kitty always drinks from the far side of the bowl.

Submitted May 10, 2018 at 09:00PM by babbsela
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#cat - #Can someone share experiences of flying your cat on hold or cabin?

Can someone share experiences of flying your cat on hold or cabin?

In August I'm moving to Berlin with my two cats and it will be 15h30 hours long flight. I didn't find many reviews about flying with cats..Help! Thanks =)

Submitted May 10, 2018 at 07:58PM by EvenBen
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#cat - #Any good gps or radio tracking device?

Any good gps or radio tracking device?

tl;dr: Cat got lost for 4 days. We plan to let it go outside again, but we would be more secured to have it tracked via GPS or Radio, till he knows his territory well enough

Hi, we've recently moved from an appartement to a house in a suburb.

Our cat has been in the street till the age of 4 month when we adopted each other, then lived in an apartment and now, at the age of 10 month, will be allowed to go outside when the neutering stitches will be taken off.

It seems he didn't like the neutering thing and went on the run. Or more precisely, went outside on a neighbors roof and didn't have the gut to go down and didn't feel the need to call for help.

We found him by accident 4 days later... At least everyone 2 kms around know our name and that we have a cat. Note to self: Good that we didn't take our kid's suggestion when we had to name our cat, you feel stupid enough already...

We plan to let it go outside again, but we would rather like to know where he's going since he kind of scared us, and I have to take of 45 poster signs...

So, anyone would have a good suggestion concerning GPS or radio tracking devices for cats? We don't know if we would use it for a long time, but at least enough to secure his discovery of his world. When we'll see that he's able to go home by himself, no more tracking...

Thanks for your help

Submitted May 10, 2018 at 01:25PM by nmuncer
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#cat - #Cloud Watching Cat!

Cloud Watching Cat!

Submitted May 10, 2018 at 10:16AM by etherocyte
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#kitty - #Kitty.


Submitted May 10, 2018 at 07:18AM by stengebt
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#cat - #Emphysema


Our 4yr old DSH female is being treated with prednisolone for suspected emphysema. We saw an immediate improvement in her gurgling breathing and her random coughing. We had videos to show the vet. Our poor baby :( She has had this issue the whole time we have had her (1yr).

I'm scared of her being on steroids for life. She's so young. Anyone else have a kitty with emphysema? We have had hundreds of dollars of xrays and bloodwork that shows she doesn't have something else to our knowledge going on.

Submitted May 10, 2018 at 06:01AM by johnnyb1017
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#cat - #Just look at her paws!

Just look at her paws!

Submitted May 10, 2018 at 05:46AM by fatfinch
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