What do Cat Memes? best Playing cards game
Submitted December 20, 2018 at 10:40PM by songngammo
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/a86unv/what_do_cat_memes_best_playing_cards_game/?utm_source=ifttt
title says it all. he doesnt really seem to be in any pain or anything he just goes back to sleep.
My partner and I live in a suburban flat with a moderately sized balcony. We'd love to adopt an FIV-positive cat that needs a loving home. A coworker of mine who used to work at a vet clinic said that humans can put other cats at risk by carrying the virus, passing it to other cat owners, and then transmit the virus to their cats. We don't want to put other cats at risk, but we desperately want to adopt a cat that needs a forever home. If anyone who owns a cat with FIV or can give us any information it'd be greatly appreciated!
Daughter has a 6 month old cat. Staying 4 nights for holiday. I have a 10 year old small (10 pound) terrier. No idea how this will work. Keep kitty in a bedroom for stay? Dog will prob scratch door down. How best to intro the two?
Hello guys, today I adopted one 2-3 month old female kitten. She is very cute and lovely. From the moment I brought her home she started to purr,cuddle with me. She is constantly scratching things. I know this is natural for cats but she does it constantly without stop. I noticed when I was with the last owner that all his cats were constantly scratching things. The owner said that she bought tree thingy with rope around it but at the second day it was already ruined. What can I do to save my furniture from the kitten's dictatorship ?
BTW this kitten smells like sh*t after bath and I don't know what she has been eating until now
He's always been this way but he use to be an outdoor cat when we lived in the country (would let him inside sometimes though) and now we live in town and we keep in the house all the time. I know he probably misses going outside but it's been like 6 months he should have adjusted by now, all he cares about is fukin food. I don't give him any of my human food but every time I go to kitchen he's right there begging MEHHHH MEHHHHH MEHHHHHH. then he doesn't want to drink the water out of the bowl because it's not fresh enough for him (an hour old or something) MEHHHH MEHHHHHH MEHHHHH. Then it's the middle of the night and we are trying to sleep MEHHHHHH MEHHHHH MEHHHHH. the dude is a fukin attention whore, meehh give me attention. will pet him, play with him..etc. but it's not enough for him. one of these nights I'm going to punch him in the face if he keeps his bullshiet up I'm not even playin. it's like shut your god damn mouth you fukin spoiled little shiet.