Thursday, September 27, 2018

#cat - #Looking for advice on getting two adult cats use to one another.

Looking for advice on getting two adult cats use to one another.

My girlfriend and I are in the process of moving together and as she owns a house already and I do not I've slowly been edging my way in with my stuff. Today, my cat came with me so he doesn't have to be left home alone.

I've read the tips and tricks advised through google searches, but I have a three year old female cat, she has a one and a half year old male.

I brought mine over in her cat carrier and when faced with one another (which was expected) there was a lot of howling and hissing. So she has an office and a spare bedroom so the cats now have their own rooms and are going to have their turns being let out around the home.

So far they've met through the walls of the cat carrier and I've given both of them treats from each side of the door so they ate while smelling one another. They both become super aware of one another when one hear's the other meowing to get out of their respective bedrooms.

So what are your first hand experiences with making this assimilation as stress free as possible?

Submitted September 27, 2018 at 03:21PM by Jashiwa
via reddit

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