Monday, February 6, 2017

Cat having wheezing fits despite treatment.

Cat having wheezing fits despite treatment.

Hey all, my husband and I adopted a kitten from a shelter in December who is now 9 months old. When we got her she had come down with a cold that was going around the shelter, but they also mentioned that she sometimes had mild allergy-like symptoms that they attributed to the extra dander and such around the shelter. But she had been seen by their vet and given antibiotics for the cold.

After two weeks the cold hadn't cleared up, so I brought her into my vet and with two more antibiotics she was good! No more congestion, no more sneezing fits, no more snot.

However, every once in a while (maybe twice a week) she goes into a wheezing fit. It sounds very wet/congested. It lasts about 15 seconds and then she's good. And there are no other symptoms. She has lots of energy to play, drinks and eats plenty, and has no residual congestion. She's not stuffy, she's breathing fine when she's not wheezing, and she doesn't have snotty discharge. Is this allergies or asthma or something else?

I plan to take her in to the vet this month, but I'm waiting it out a little because between the adoption fee and her vet visits and meds things are a little tight.

She is a Siamese and Ragdoll mix, which I assume may lend to her chance of having allergies. Just hoping for some insight! TIA.

Submitted February 06, 2017 at 09:05PM by SanRachHoffSing
via reddit

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