Monday, August 14, 2017

#cat - #[X-post /catadvice] Recently moved in to a new place and our usually most active cat doesn't go out anymore :(

[X-post /catadvice] Recently moved in to a new place and our usually most active cat doesn't go out anymore :(

My SO and I moved in together 2 months ago. Him with Chikita, his 4 y/o female who's always had two lives, one with the humans and one outside, at night, with the city's cat society ; me with my two 1 /yo male+female cats who'd never been outside before.

Chikita managed to assert her dominance over my cats on the inside of the appartment and we're all fine with that because she doesn't seem to abuse that territorial power. But outside, mine quickly became very curious and exploring while she remains super shy and stays indoors or near the door all the time. I get that she kinda lost her other "cat life" and would have to build herself a new place in the new neighborhood, but i'm starting to wonder if she even will adapt eventually, how so and why/why not.

Does anyone here understand her behavior? Is there something my SO and i could do to help the 3 have happy cat lives? Thanks!

Submitted August 14, 2017 at 07:29PM by cannibale101
via reddit

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