Friday, September 15, 2017

#cat - #Special Needs Cat question

Special Needs Cat question

Hello fellow cat people. I have a special needs cat named George. He was born with an "inferior" kidney, so he's a little overweight and is at high risk of kidney failure. I follow all of his doctor's instructions and I take him for kidney check ups every six months.

One of the doctor's instructions was to get him to exercise 3 times a day. It was hard to motivate him but I finally found a toy he flips over, and play time is finally going well.

However, since we started the play sessions, he's been waking me up and begging to play in the middle of the night. He's relentless, and I'm getting less sleep as a result.

Keeping him out of the bedroom is absolutely not an option. All I can say is before we started the play sessions, he let me sleep at night. Any advice? I have tried giving him a small snack in the middle of the night but that seems to have mixed results.

I would fasten the toy to a chair or a doorknob but he will just tear it apart and bring pieces to the bed and still wake me up to play.

Also, per doctor's orders he is indoor only so letting him out is also not an option.

So what do you all think? Any advice?

Submitted September 15, 2017 at 07:40PM by interbang
via reddit

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