Monday, September 25, 2017

#cat - #Why is spaying/neutering an indoor cat considered okay but declawing not?

Why is spaying/neutering an indoor cat considered okay but declawing not?

They are both used to control unwanted behavior in our feline friends. Looking at the research (see below) it seems that declawing isn't the boogeyman some make it out to be.

Honestly, it seems crueler to remove the sex drive permanently (cuz sex rocks, yo) than it does to (possibly) cause a couple days of pain with the declaw.

To get all anecdotal up in this mutha: I have an almost 15 year old female short hair kitty I got about five years ago (she came spayed and declawed both front/back) and she seems absolutely fine: no behavior/health issues, able to leap to tall window sills in a single bound, and faster than a speeding mouse (when she's not spending 20+ hours a day laying around the house).

Submitted September 25, 2017 at 09:28AM by paintedhillsyo
via reddit

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