Saturday, October 21, 2017

#cat - #Aggressivekittenhelpme


So I got a kitten about a week ago which would make her 8 weeks. When we met her at the house( of the mama cat) she was super sweet and liked to be held and very spunky/full of energy. However we took her home and it was a different story. For the first two days she wouldn't come out from under the couch and we had to barricade it off. She didn't want to be held or touched or pet or anything. All she wants to do is play which is normal for a kitten, but she's showing signs of aggression that I don't like. Anytime you reach down to pet her she runs away and when you finally get her to sit still she pulls away and backs away from your hand like you're going to hurt her and her coat stands on end and she starts backing away. She'll meow when you pick her up and try and get away. If you sit on the floor and try and pet her she will lock eyes with you and charge at you and attack your hand. She does sleep with us at night but I feel like she doesn't want any love. I can't pet my cat!!! When she's done playing she will go under the couch to sleep or tuck away in some corner. She's only nice when she is hungry. I really don't want to get rid of a kitten but I don't know what to do. I've tried leaving the room when she acts aggressive and ignoring her but she doesn't seem to care. And I've tried distracting her with a toy but it doesn't seem to work HELLLPPPP

Submitted October 21, 2017 at 11:26AM by stinkycat123
via reddit

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