Tuesday, October 17, 2017

#cat - #A life Changer

A life Changer

A few weeks back something amazing happened, I woke up on the 23rd of September to the sound of meowing and scratching at my door, it was loud and obnoxious! I opened the door a found a cat that I had never made contact with but it was that neighborhood cat that belonged to no one and no one gave dam about ! yet it felt weird the cat was meowing like crazy! I tried shooing him and closing the door but he kept scratching and meowing my door! Tried to give him food didn't seem to want any... he kept tugging on my legs running to the end of the sidewalk staring at me than running back and tugging me some more so I guessed maybe his actual owner may need help and he wants me to follow him! So I followed the cat, he led me to a ditch where I found a dead dog with 3 pups apparently the dog was shot in the head by some idiot! wait this is not all the cat had something else troubling him, he tugged me towards a trench at the bottom of that ditch that leads towards the sewers, and there I heard the squealing of a pup! apparently water washed one of the pups away down the ditch and into the trench, so I opened the grate and rescued not 1 but 2 puppies! There the cat felt relieved he rushed towards the other 3 and stood guard until I reached them called peta and thankfully the ups all survived and are now in foster care! Why I'm sharing this? well 1- I never knew a cat has so much heart! 2- the cat accompanied me and peta and came back home with me but he never stayed at my place he kept roaming the neighborhood 3- today an idiot drifter happy with his Nissan 370 drifting like crazy targeted him in one of his drift craze and murdered him at sometime in the early morning! cameras recorded it and the authorities were contacted! municipality only denied him access to our side of the neighborhood with a few fines for violating street laws but could not do anything else for they believed it was an accident! I decided to share this so that this heroic would spread I never understood why he knocked my door, and where all this heart came from, but I will never look at cats the same way I used to look at them

Submitted October 17, 2017 at 01:45PM by Anonymous-Friend
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/77133t/a_life_changer/?utm_source=ifttt

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