Sunday, November 12, 2017

#cat - #HELP: Litter training a kitten

HELP: Litter training a kitten

Hi everyone, I recently adopted a little kitten from someone who had rescued her. I'm not sure how old she is, probably around 3-4 months. The first night I brought her back, she peed on my bed. I changed the outer sheet she had peed on, but I guess she smelled her pee on the down comforter inside the new sheet because she peed there a second time. The next day, she peed FOR THE THIRD TIME on the same exact comforter. I have since removed the down comforter and washed it, so I'm going to see if she does it again. The person we adopted from told us that she had already been litter-trained, but when we bought her the littler/litter box today, she hasn't used it at all. We'll repeatedly put her in there but she just jumps right out. Anyone have any tips on how to get this done quickly? Thanks!

Submitted November 12, 2017 at 10:06PM by niznet25
via reddit

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