Sunday, November 26, 2017

#cat - #Regarding my cat.

Regarding my cat.

I know u might find me awkward or would just slap me, but this weekend, like i don't know about the situation but i gave a slap on the back of cat, she was like something hurt, but minutes i realized i was wrong and hugged him.

But whenevr i raise my hand, like don't do this, like tell him to not do the things he kinda gets afraid.

i lile my cat sooo much that i had fought for the cat, hmjust so that i could keep him. Whenevr i enter my house like after a long he demand food, demands that back scratches and all the other cat thing.

Is my cat afraid of me? he even sleeps by my side, ignoring all my other family members.

i don't want it to be afraid of me, also he plays with me and waits for me when i will return and demand with me to play with him.

I don't know wat to do, please tell me some advice.

Submitted November 26, 2017 at 02:03AM by ashu1394
via reddit

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