Wednesday, January 3, 2018

#cat - #Cat Problem

Cat Problem

My cat started drinking from my cup of milk while I was out of the room and now I'm kind of scared. I looked up if lactose is bad for cats and all I have read for now is it can give them an upset stomach and diarrhea, but I want to know if it can cause long-term problems. Do any cat owners (Or anyone who has worked with or just knows about cats) know if it is generally safe for a cat to drink milk? Will it cause long-term problems/life threatening problems in the future? I just worry so much about things so sorry if this seems like a silly question, but I am kind of freaking out right now and need honest feedback/reassurance that he'll be fine (besides the possible upset stomach and diarrhea).

Submitted January 03, 2018 at 03:09AM by bbrit34
via reddit

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