Thursday, January 11, 2018

#cat - #Moving my Cat

Moving my Cat

She is about four years old.

We left my ex boyfriend's house together.

She is VERY well adjusted to occasional other people, she loves the boiler room, she loves my room, she seems her normal happy sweet self.

She does not want to venture upstairs. She doesn't care.

Is it OK for her to just live in the basement with me? Should I even bother continuing to try to show her the rest of the house? She seemed interested when held, but back to my room in the basement when she was set down and finished sniffing the air.

She is my light right now. I wake up to feed her. I pet her to sleep. I take care of her and she takes care of me. I just want her to be happy, and she IS, but she does not seem interested in the rest of the house at ALL.

It has been one week.

Any tips?

Submitted January 12, 2018 at 12:09AM by violetsylph
via reddit

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