Sunday, January 14, 2018

#cat - #Why does my cat do this?

Why does my cat do this?

I first saw my cat at work, he was abandoned at 3 to 6 months old at the parking lot of my work. I decided that I wanted him after my manager said she couldn't take him home. He was a typical cat not trying to get caught I tried to get him over the course of a month until I finally caught him and took him home. Over time he went outside more and more with these days he begs to be let out. He usually hangs around the edge of the apartments complex 150 yards from the busy street. About a months ago I found him 50 yards away from the busy street and made him go towards my apartment and that was the furthest I've seen him stray away from home. Today I found him running across the street where there's constantly cars and he almost got ran over by a pickup truck missing him by 3 seconds. I was going to go to the movies when I spotted him and made my way across the street to bring him home. When I got him in my arms I went towards the car and he was putting up a fight so I let him go. He crossed the street almost getting hit by two cars and was knocked down in the middle of the street panicking and managed to pick himself up and run towards the apartments. I looked for him and called help from my sister but in-evidently I found him waiting for me at the patio. He was scared and hid from me for 5 minutes. When I was getting ready to feed my cats he came out and I checked him and thank god he wasn't hurt (I thought he got a broken leg). Why does my cat do this? I told my sister that he keeps expanding and expanding his roaming area as time goes on. One thing to note is that usually he's trying to find other cats; when he does he most likely just stays in front of them and stays there looking at them until it ends up in a one-sided fight as my cat doesn't fight back. I found him doing that from afar and had to get closer to break it up. This results in him coming home with several scratches on him. Whenever he's home my other cat sometimes scratches at him and he doesn't claw back. This results in me having to raise my voice to stop it. Having almost experienced my cat die in front of me, I will not be letting him out for a while perhaps forever. Perhaps he feels lonely? Perhaps he feels unwanted? Perhaps ptsd?

Submitted January 14, 2018 at 11:24PM by 789irvin
via reddit

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