Must. Get. Light
Submitted February 28, 2018 at 06:41PM by kapncrutch
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/811kxb/must_get_light/?utm_source=ifttt
I recently noticed that my female cat has bald spots on her legs and I'm concerned. I have googled this problem and there is a lot of info that says it could be stress, allergies, or parasites and I'm not sure what action to take. I don't think it's parasites because she's been an indoor only cat her whole life but I don't know. Any advice? Change food or litter or just go to the vet?
Thinking about switching my cat's food brand bc I've heard that Purina is actually really horrible. What should I get him then???
My cat, when she wants pets. Will walk up spread out her toes and put her front paw (poop burying paw) on my lip. She does this when I'm laying down and asleep to wake me up, and it's not only shocking to wake up because something is touching your face. It's also really gross. Is this normal behavior? How should I persuade her to stop without being a dick?
You have to read this!!!
My cat have lumps under her stomach. It doesn't seem to bother her when I squeeze it so I just left it alone like that. Since then her masses under her stomach got larger but still when I squeeze it she doesn't have a reaction. A few weeks ago she escaped the house and then came back days later. I think she might have gotten pregnant and right now when I check her nipples, 2 nipples were clear and it is might bigger but her other nipples are still the same size. Is my cat pregnant or is there something wrong with her that I need to her to be at the vets?
My cat, Morrison, is so sweet and snuggly most of the time. He follows us around the condo and finds our laps the second we sit down...
However, in the mornings he's become a different animal. Around 7:30a, he will start to almost growl (it's still a meow but lasts longer and sounds different than his happy meow) at me and attack my arms. I can see it in his face when it's about to happen, so I'll move my arms when he jumps and he immediately jumps off the bed. When I finally get up, he'll chase me and swipe at my feet and ankles.
Why is he doing this? It just started a few weeks ago. His food bowl is full. His water dish is full. He's not hurting me at all, but what's he trying to tell me??