Tuesday, February 20, 2018

#cat - #FIP Diagnosis

FIP Diagnosis


Sadly my kitty was diagnosed with FIP today and I was hoping there were some knowledgeable folks here to help. I am hoping this maybe a misdiagnosis (even though I know I am probably grasping at straws) but at the very least I want to make sure she gets the best care.

Some history: She was quite sick when we got her (about a month ago) with a constant running nose and was very lethargic and the vet put her on clavamox

She seemed to be getting better but had an episode last week where she jumped down from the couch and had trouble walking around (falling over)

Took her to emergency vet and they sent us home after some tests

Blood tests said she had mycoplasma and calicvirus along with also being anemic

Vet put her on zithromax and enisyl-f - she seemed to be getting much better

Follow-up visit today and vet said she still had a fever and lost some weight (down to 5 pounds) and gave FIP diagnosis

Like I said I have been grasping at straws since but since she was never diagnosed with coronavirus I am hoping that maybe the FIP diagnosis is wrong. Either way I want to ensure her happiness for however long I get to spend with her.

Submitted February 20, 2018 at 07:26PM by ScottiePP7
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cat/comments/7z1z09/fip_diagnosis/?utm_source=ifttt

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