Wednesday, March 21, 2018

#cat - #Advice or thoughts on what happened to my cat

Advice or thoughts on what happened to my cat

After a weekend away we returned to find our one year old cat sitting just outside the cat door, meowing like crazy without stopping (he never normally meows at all, so this was weird.) He wouldn't come in the Cat door no matter how hard we tried to entice him. The last few days when we are in bed we hear him outside constantly meowing at us, but still, he won't use the cat door so we have to go and let him in. This never used to be a problem. Tonight I noticed he has grazes on his Paw pads, like it has been burnt or scraped against concrete. In addition to this, he has just been acting odd. As soon as leave the room he starts meowing like crazy... normally I would just call to him and he would follow, but now he just cries until I come back into the room. He has also been doing weird things , like suddenly darting across the room. Any ideas? I'm taking him to the vet when it opens tomorrow morning.

Submitted March 21, 2018 at 02:48AM by litterbox_lady
via reddit

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