Saturday, September 8, 2018

#cat - #How can I spoil my new bi-color owner? (right now, he's laying next to me in bed licking himself)

How can I spoil my new bi-color owner? (right now, he's laying next to me in bed licking himself)

Long story short, he just followed me in the street. I let him home, and fed him meat, milk, and fried eggs (while I had popcorn & coffee). played with me and started making circles around my legs. It felt so sweet and ticklish, though I'm a software engineer with depression.

Finally, I led him to the door and tried to make him leave, but he hanged to my legs. So I just decided to let him in. Now i'm wondering how can I spoil him, like food, vet, caring..?

ps: - I know he's an outdoor, dirty and full of bacteria laying in my bed, but what's worse than depression.

- I learned not to feed cats milk the hard way (from his farts xD\*)*

he looks exactly like this, except his eyes fully green with invisible pupils! in case you have infos about this type!

Submitted September 08, 2018 at 05:59PM by hadaleipa
via reddit

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