Wednesday, September 19, 2018

#cat - #Poorly named, but she probably doesn't care.

Poorly named, but she probably doesn't care.

Mr Meeowee adopted my elderly father. She would run inside, eat the other cat's food, and was so pleasant, he never had the heart to kick her out. When he went into a home that didn't allow pets, I took her into my somewhat cluttered flat. She is a good cat. Though she has a tendency to spazz out at 3am and always, always does two voms when she feels it is vom time. Some of which I don't find for days. Well, weeks, given the nature of the lounge. As evidenced above. Luckily the carpet is beige. Did I mention she is a good cat ...

Submitted September 19, 2018 at 03:51AM by Billoby42
via reddit

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