Sunday, September 16, 2018

#cat - #Setting up a cat friendly environment

Setting up a cat friendly environment

Hello all!

I am considering adopting a cat from my local shelter, but I'm first trying to make sure I can make my small 2 bedroom apartment work for him/her.

I want to ensure my cat will have many places to hide, perch, look out the window, scratch, etc.

I also am looking for advice regarding making my spare bedroom (I usually use it for hanging up laundry to dry) into a full on cat lair. The only problem is that the bedroom is carpeted.

I am running into trouble as far as where to put the litter box. I could put it in the "cat room" mentioned above, but putting it on carpet worries me. Our bathroom is too small, and the only other rooms we have with tile/laminate are the living room and kitchen. Neither place seems suitable for a litter box.

I am really wanting a companion as my husband is about to start medical school, and I'm lonely! We don't have time to take care of a dog, so we're looking for a laid back, affectionate cat.

Should I give up? Or can I make my apartment work for a new kitty?

I've never owned a cat before, so any advice is GREATLY appreciated :) Thanks in advance!!

Submitted September 16, 2018 at 10:57AM by ilovesushi16
via reddit

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