Saturday, October 13, 2018

#cat - #My cat knows I’m sad.

My cat knows I'm sad.

I've been going through a hard break up. Of course I talk to my friends and stuff but I do feel like it could get annoying. So I started talking to my cat, Dexter, about my problems. As silly as it may sound, I have actually felt a lot of comfort in doing so. You know, sometimes I do just want someone to listen to what I have to say, without getting any advice. And I think he could feel my hurt; he knows I'm hurting. Usually, Dexter is a little loner. He likes being around but doesn't like too much attention. Ever since my break up, he's been very cuddly and affectionate. Mind you, I have n e v e r cuddled with my cat, he's just never been that type of cat. And the past 2 weeks, he's been laying next to me, kneading me, rubbing his head against me, following me everywhere I go and sitting right beside me. Even more so on the days that are a little harder for me. I know this is probably a normal thing for most but I don't think I've ever had a cat show me so much love before. I love Dexter with my whole heart <3

Submitted October 13, 2018 at 12:38PM by qreengueen
via reddit

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