Sunday, November 18, 2018

#cat - #Cat has major problems with MIL

Cat has major problems with MIL

My cat dislikes my MIL so much. I don't know how to make it better.

My MIL is legally blind and therefore very unsteady.

She also has about 20 cats she takes care of at her own home (don't get me started - I've suggested TNR and no one wants to do that because they think she'll be charged with animal abuse due to the condition of the cats).

She smells very strongly of vinegar because she washes her hair with it and drinks it all the time.

Every time she even comes close to my cat, she growls and hisses at my MIL. She doesn't attack her and she doesn't hide.

What can I do to make the situation less stressful on my cat and therefore less stressful on me?

Submitted November 18, 2018 at 09:08AM by graye1999
via reddit

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