Thursday, December 13, 2018

#cat - #My cat meows and howls constantly. Inside, outside, through the day and night. It’s affecting the neighbourhood. How to get him to stop?

My cat meows and howls constantly. Inside, outside, through the day and night. It's affecting the neighbourhood. How to get him to stop?

Hello everyone, I actually haven't been a member of this sub for very long, but I am really hoping someone on here can help me. I got my cat a few years ago. He is the sweetest, most cuddly and friendly kitty ever but there's one problem. He meows. All. The. Time. And not just at night and not just in the house, but he will go outside exploring (live near a forestry area and he loves being outside and spends most of his day playing) but he will walk around the neighbourhood just meowing. He will lay in the middle of the walkway, calm as can be but meowing at the top of his lungs like he's a damn opera singer. He's always done this. I used to live with him in a small apartment and no matter what I did, ignored it, sprayed him with water, put him in kennel, he would not stop. Took him to the vet and they said nothing is wrong with him and he's happy and healthy as can be (I should mention that yes, he is neutered). I moved with him last summer to a house with a big backyard and a large forest area and right away he went from being an indoor cat to never wanting to be inside. The neighbourhood is very safe and so I am never worried about his safety so I allow him outside all the time. At first, it helped with his meowing but once he got comfortable, it started back up again. Whether he's inside or out or put in the garage or played with, all he does is meow. It's gotten to the point where the neighbours have started to call the SPCA because no one can leave their windows open at night cause he just walks around howling and I can't keep him inside because it's no better. It's not only affecting the neighbourhood but it's also affecting me because his meowing keeps me up all night when I keep him in the house. I am honestly at a loss. I love him so much and he is the sweetest boy but I'm afraid that If this doesn't stop he's going to get taken away from me. Any advice from anyone on options I could try would be immensely appreciated.

Tdlr: Cat thinks he's an opera singer and meows and howls constantly. It's affecting the neighbours and me and no matter what I have tried he doesn't stop.

Submitted December 13, 2018 at 12:45PM by bannadbread46
via reddit

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