Thursday, October 19, 2017

#cat - #Adult male cat who won't stop pooping on the floor, Please help my family!!

Adult male cat who won't stop pooping on the floor, Please help my family!!

Hello. I am very new to reddit and this sub but I figured this was the best place to come for help without spending hundreds just to ask the vet a dumb question. I have a sewing table and every time there is even the tiniest scrap of fabric left on the floor underneath it, my cat decides to take a dump all over it. He's a 9 year old male cat who has been house trained for his whole life, and no we haven't moved! It's not that he doesn't know where the litter box is, we haven't moved it in 9 goddamn years!!! This is also a very recent development, not a lifelong habit of his. If anyone can tell me what might be up with him or has any ideas as to how to stop this behavior, please tell me asap! And no this is not a joke, though as I read this back I realize how ridiculous this sounds.

Submitted October 19, 2017 at 09:18PM by sl0whands
via reddit

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