Friday, May 25, 2018

#cat - #My story of adopting an abused cat.

My story of adopting an abused cat.

Almost three weeks ago I was at PetSmart and saw this beautiful little kitten that was deformed due to abuse. Someone had hit her so hard they collapsed part of her skull, when she was found she had maggots and bugs living in the wound and in her head. She fought so hard to stay alive, and she survived. She was put into foster after spending most of her life suffering and in a vet clinic.

The first time I saw her I fell in love. I noticed how people around her gave her weird looks and had comments of how strange she looked and it broke my heart how no one looked past it, and no one saw her beauty and her fight to make it. The Foster and adoption place she was at didn't even have her posted online anywhere. She was a "you had to be there" to see her type animal which made me more sad that they weren't even trying very hard to find her a loving home.

I went back after two weeks of thinking about her, and I adopted her. Still people had their looks and their comments about her. But I knew her worth, and I knew her struggles and I wanted her.

When I brought her home she was so scared, she was hiding for a couple days. She eventually came out to see me and to get some love. And let me tell you, she is a snuggle queen. Loves her belly being rubbed and her chin scratched. The moment she came up to me purring I knew she had finally found what she's always wanted, and that's a loving hand showing her exactly what life should be like.

It's only been 5 days since adopting her, but I've vowed to never let her experience loneliness or heart break. I've vowed to never let a voice go unheard. She's changed my life, she's brought so much happiness to my heart. She's showed me to look past flaws of others and accept animals and people for who they are, and not just what they look like. Everyone deserves a chance.

I'm just asking everyone who reads this, please don't forget about those who aren't picture perfect, who have been abused and hurt. They need love and homes also.

Submitted May 25, 2018 at 10:48AM by aaphda
via reddit

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