Saturday, June 23, 2018

#cat - #Does my cat have separation anxiety?

Does my cat have separation anxiety?

Lil background I adopted my baby boy Apollo a few months ago from a shelter where he was a really reserved and quiet cat. He opened up to me after my roommates moved out and became a lot more talkative. Though along the way there were abrupt times where I'd have to leave for a few days at a time and had someone feed him once daily in that absence. Now he doesn't let me exit his sight.

He meows extremely loudly if my door is closed or if he can't see/access me. After I do open the door he jolts in and finds my leg to rub on. I can't go to the bathroom without him constantly meowing at the door waiting for me to open it. If I get up out of my room to do anything he stops whatever it is he's doing and follows me all while meowing. He also hovers around the front door whenever I get back home so it seems as if he's waiting for me to get back. And when I am around he's constantly rubbing himself on me while meowing.

Is this normal behavior or could he have separation anxiety?

Submitted June 23, 2018 at 11:34PM by Zeiin
via reddit

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